Trademark registration  
and patent filing

Trademark registration
and patent filing

Intellectual property consultants since 1882


The mark that qualifies your business.
The set of values you believe in.
The endorsement you deserve for your work.
A trademark is a corporate asset.

Why not protect it?

trademark registration
patents filing

Protecting inventions
is crucial to achieving a first mover
market role. Great inventions
change the world.

Just imagine how an idea could change yours


Intellectual property has to be managed.
Your rights have to be protected.
Get advice from a consultant.

We offer our clients solid support.

intellectual property advisory service
Predict, monitor,protect.
When you have to safeguard your company, call in a professional.

Intellectual property consultants since 1882

Trademarks and distinctive signs, patents, industrial designs, copyright, advertising, privacy. Our work has been our life story since 1882.
We are players with a long history in the field of intellectual property rights, among the first in Italy to understand its strategic importance for enterprise.

The Team
Stefano Klausner
Stefano Klausner
General manager. A consultant for distinctive signs, copyright and the internet, as well as clients relations.
Silvia Klausner
Silvia Klausner
Office Manager. HR and CRM.
Noemi Ruda
Noemi Ruda
Italian and European Trademark Attorney – European Design Attorney, Mediator in Civil and Commercial Disputes, International Mediator, Expert in the procedures for reassignment of domain names of
Matteo Chiodi
Matteo Chiodi
Italian and European Trademark Attorney – European Design Attorney.
Edgardo Ferrari
Edgardo Ferrari
Italian patent and trademark attorney and European design and trademark attorney. Specializes inchemicals, pharmaceuticals and biotechnologies.
Marco Fermanelli
Marco Fermanelli
Manager of Patent Department. Italian and European Patent & design Attorney, European Patent Litigator. Specialized in mechanics, thermodynamics and automation.
Lorenzo Biglia
Lorenzo Biglia
Lawyer (of counsel), specializes in intellectual property, copyright and commercial law.
Luigi Granato
Luigi Granato
Lawyer (of counsel), specializes in employment and corporate law.
Rossana Spagnolli
Rossana Spagnolli
Lawyer (of counsel), specializes in intellectual property and copyright, commercial law and advertising law.
Dario Riccardi
Dario Riccardi
Laywer, commercial, data protection
Valentina Zanetti
Valentina Zanetti
Patent Department, Italy
Fabio Viganò
Fabio Viganò
Accounting Department
Giulia Perretta
Giulia Perretta
Accounting Department
Anna Masotina
Anna Masotina
Trademark administrator
Silvia Bongiovanni
Silvia Bongiovanni
Trademark department, recordals
Victoriano Fort
Victoriano Fort
Docketing Department
Linh Tang
Linh Tang
Patent Department
Rosa Mosca
Rosa Mosca
Trademark Department